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This set is scheduled to ship from Artbox on June 19 and has a release/street date of June 26.

James Walters as Sirius Black

Charles Hughes as Peter Pettigrew

Alfred Enoch as Dean Thomas

William Melling as Nigel


C2 Gryffindor student sweater 251/560


P7 Books from Prof. Lockhart's Class 196/360 (Note: Due to an error by the printer, all of the P7 cards contain a swatch from the O.W.L. exam prop.)


P8 Buckbeak's chain 287/310


P9 O.W.L.s exam paper 45/390 (Note:  Due to an error by the printer, all of the P9 cards contain a swatch from Lockhart's books.)


P10 Harry's hospital wing sheets 498/560

P11 Durmstrang staff 192/360